How John Muir Inspired My Trip to Blackwater Falls

Posted by Sarah Stevenson on 19th Jan 2019

How John Muir Inspired My Trip to Blackwater Falls

Link to John Muir Quote Poster Set of 3:

For those of you who don't know, I'm Sarah! I have worked at Echo-Lit for many years now, watching the company grow into the literary and inspirational powerhouse it is today. With that privilege, I assist in posting new products for our customers. Sometimes a product feels part of something bigger, something profound. 

In January 2018, we released a set of John Muir quotes, an ode to the famous American conservationist. He served as an early advocate for the protection of wildlife and their respective habitats in the United States during the 19th Century. Muir not only emphasized the scientific basis for protecting wildlife areas, but he urged a deep respect for the healing power of nature. 

While sitting at my Echo-Lit desk, combing through photo files of the John Muir quote posters, I couldn't help but feel called to the weight of his words. Despite my busy and industrious life, I felt moved to connect with nature. Soon after, I booked a trip to Davis, West Virginia, a small mountain town nestled in the heart of the mountain state. There sits the wild and wonderful Blackwater Falls State Park, a small but diverse public area on top of a quiet hill above the town. John sent me there, and now I can share the wisdom of his advice.

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I resonated with its simple truth, that each of us must walk alone from time to time. As I transition into adulthood, I find myself at moments of isolation when encountering life's new challenges or choices. Fear and society pressure us to choose the status quo and beget our own notions of individuality. As a self proclaimed introvert, I find the less treaded path a sanctuary to enlightenment and growth. On the trip to Blackwater, I cherished the company of close family and friends, but I made sure to set aside moments of solitude. Solitude, especially within the confounds of nature, truly gifts the spirit with clarity and peace. 

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Or snow... On our trip to Blackwater, we were enchanted by the recent snowfall. The lush, white blanket served for an interesting array of icy hikes, bright photo shoots, and mystical morning walks. On the one hand, it was easy to stay cozied up in our cabin, safe from the elements outdoors. On the other hand, it would be an injustice to the beauty of the park to shy away from her many states. So we chose the dirt path, the crunchy ground and rhododendron lined trails. The disarray of the trails, the mystery of each snow hidden step opened a different path to the mind. These paths lead us exactly where we needed to be in our lives. The opportunity to take a moment to ponder on an unfamiliar path creates a priceless experience.

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This is me, on a mountain, eyes holding back tears in the presence of the sublime. Let me set the scene: 

I`m on spring break of my sophomore year. I finally encountered my passions as my majors: English and Psychology. I am in my element, not holding back my creative flow in work, relationships, and academia. I have decided to spend my time off in a remote place so my introverted self may enjoy the quiet with close family and friends. I am indeed on top of a mountain cliff, feet from a drop into the valley. Light snow is falling and no sounds arise from the distance except the flow of the Black river below. The cumulation of this moment speaks to me; it says "Everything is okay. You're doing the right thing. Don't worry, I've got your back." I begin to cry in gratitude and accept the opportunity to move on from the past and change with the seasons of life. Nature`s secrets are indiscriminate, and they present themselves to those who are willing to take a moment to see. I find a treasure trove, far more than I seek.  

So sometimes a poster is more than a poster: it`s a message. It`s the opportunity to extend a hand to a person who needs to see or hear a new perspective. Here at Echo-Lit, we hope to extend that hand to all, whether they are working a 9 to 5, looking for a quote to brighten up their day, or simply adding good vibes to their home or classroom. We hope to inspire an insightful experience with our products.

How have your products helped you in your daily life? What's your favorite nature quote? Let us know if you have any suggestions or comments.